Fueling for Races is a Science Experiment

Quinoa with Strawberries, Banana Chips, Almonds, Cashews and Dried Cranberries

It's no secret that I've been upchucking on a regular basis while racing. It's super frustrating, and I can't wait to figure out what the deal is. The good news is that I've gone the past three races without losing my lunch, and I am THRILLED! 

It's been a process but since I've started to really pay attention to my race day diet, I've learned a few things:

  1. I Can't eat whatever I want
  2. Meat is not my friend
  3. Spice is not my friend
  4. Quinoa is my friend
  5. Rice is my friend
  6. Fruit is my friend

My mom asked if I was drinking water... I'm over hear taking gallon jugs to the face!

Yea, I think about my food as friends and foes. A friend won't make you feel sick during your favorite activity. So I've been keeping my friends close on race day and it's been working out. 

Until further notice, my Fueling Schedule goes as follows:

5-6 Hours Before Racing: Big Meal (Quinoa fruits and nuts seems to be doing the trick) And some green juice for fun! YUM! I tried 2 hours, 3 hours, and 4 hours, all resulting in puking. 5-6 is the magic number!!!

Drink as much water as I can during the day, 

2-3 Hours Before Racing: Eat straight up rice. It doesn't taste like much, but it goes down easy, and gives me a carb and calorie boost. 

Keep drinking water! Port-a-Johns will be frequented by this point. Let that liquid go!

1.5 Hours before Racing: Warm up. I'm finding that a nice slow hour long warm up with a few hard efforts makes me feel really nice. 

30 minutes before racing: If it's a big race, use the bathroom, store my stuff, and get to staging NOWWW. 

15 Minutes before racing:

Fill my water bottle with electrolyte powder and eat a pack of Skratch lab fruit drops. I've decided they are made of air since they are gluten/ dairy free, but they packed some nice flavors and calories in there. Also, it doesn't hurt my tummy like gels or gus. 

ON THE WHISTLE!!!!!!! GOOOO!!!!! Also, drink water periodically throughout the race!

Post Race: Eat a real meal. Spaghetti with Meat Sauce is my favorite food. It also happens to be super cheap and I'm on a strict budget! 

A reward for a job well done! Good work tummy!!!!



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