Thee Abundance Workshops 2023

Previously, Thee Abundance Summit, Thee Abundance Workshops will be hour-long sessions presented once per month. We are continuing our mission to celebrate joy for Black and Brown folks in cycling and the outdoors. Learn more and sign up to join us below!

January 31 at 6 PM ET | They Were Seeds: The Buried Legacy of Black Wheelwomen

Lead by Keshia Roberson (2022 Mini Grant Recipient)

"what didn’t you do to bury me / but you forgot that I was a seed" - Dinos Christianopoulos

From news of the “first” bike club for Black women in the late 1800s to touring rides that birthed movements found today, Black women have a long rich history in American cycling worth recognizing and celebrating. During this presentation, we'll help uncover the legacy of Black wheelwomen who created space in a sport not intended for them. We’ll discuss what factors have contributed to their buried history and how their roots have inspired future generations of diverse riders.


Donations are not tax-deductible.

Follow @theeabundancesproject on Instagram!